Just Call Me Internet
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267 lines
# Okami Newsreader keyboard map file
# Last change: Oct 28, 1994
# Syntax: key commands
# K E Y S
# Keys may be defined as any of:
# a) a single letter, e.g. `A' or `B', meaning that key
# (case is irrelevant)
# b) a single letter prefixed by ^, meaning that key
# plus the Control key (e.g. `^A' is Ctrl-A)
# c) a single ^, meaning the circumflex key
# d) the sequence \# (backslash hash), meaning the hash key
# e) the letter F followed by a number 1 thru 10, meaning that
# F key (e.g. `F1' is the F1 key)
# f) the letter F followed by a number 11 thru 20, meaning that
# F key minus 10 plus the Shift key (e.g. F11 is Shift-F1)
# g) one of: meaning:
# CR Return
# SPC space bar
# TAB Tab
# BACKS Backspace
# INS Insert
# DEL Delete
# CLR Clear Home
# ESC Esc
# HELP Help
# UNDO Undo
# arrow keys
# Case is insignificant with these.
# The following keys: CR ENTER BACKS DEL
# have fixed meanings for menus, therefor any configuration of these will
# be in effect only if the top window is not a menu window.
# ** important notice **
# since pressing RETURN is (in ascii codes) the same as pressing
# Ctrl-M, define CR (the return key) _before_ defining ^M
# (control-M) or else CR will be overridden by ^M.
# Similarily, define BACKS (backspace) before defining ^H and
# TAB before ^I.
# C O M M A N D S
# Commands return 0 unless otherwise stated. An unknown command returns 1.
# Generally, returning 0 means ok, other values indicate error.
# User abort is not considered an error.
# Legal commands are: default key:
# alert [default] string none
# displays a AES alert box.
# `default' and `string' are like in a call
# to form_alert. If `string' contains spaces,
# surround with ". If no `default' is given,
# 1 is used.
# Return: number of button pressed.
# cancel-msg F4
# cancels the message in the top window throughout the net
# by sending a "cancel" control message (Usenet) or a BX
# command (Mausnet). Does nothing if the top window is not
# a message window.
# close-window ^U, ESC, UNDO
# closes the top window.
# Return: 0 if ok, 1 if no window is open.
# cmd ^C
# asks for a command (one of these commands here)
# and executes it.
# Return: return value of the executed command.
# cycle-window ^W
# cycles the top window.
# Return: 0 if ok, 1 if no window is open.
# dark ^A
# blackens the screen until a shift key is pressed.
# info [text] none
# displays `text' in an info box. If no `text' is
# given, removes the info box if there is one.
# The info box will remain on the screen until it
# is removed or replaced by a new one. This will
# not look too good if windows are moved across it
# etc. so always remove the box after using it.
# If `text' contains spaces, surround with ".
# `text' will be truncated to 40 characters.
# maus-set-infofiles F2
# subscribe to Mausnet infofiles (for Mausnet users
# only).
# metric ^V
# brings up the interactive metric conversion dialog.
# msgsort n none
# sets the order in which msgs are sorted in a group menu.
# n must be one of:
# 0 sorts by subject
# 1 sorts by author name
# 2 sorts by input data
# 3 sorts by dabase order
# Note: groups must be closed and re-opened in order to
# make this have an effect.
# open-grp [name] F1, ^N
# opens a fold or newsgroup (depending on what `name'
# is). If no 'name' is given, asks for one. Use ""
# for `name' to open the base fold (the one containing
# all other folds and newsgroups).
# pchelp [accname] [string] none
# sends the given string to the PureC help accessory.
# If no string is given, asks for one.
# The default accessory name is "PCHELP" unless you
# specify an acc name as the first parameter. The name
# must end in ".acc" (case irrelevant).
# Example: pchelp 1STGUIDE.ACC Command
# will send the string "Command" to the accessory 1STGUIDE.
# To use this feature, you must have installed the
# PureC help accessory or any other accessory that
# understands the help message format.
# pgp ^T
# scans the text in the current window and does either a public
# key add, pgp decrypt and/or signature check.
# print-window ^P
# send the contents of the current window to the printer.
# Return: 0 if ok, 1 if no window is open or printer makes
# trouble.
# prg-info ^I
# shows the program information box.
# redraw ~
# redraws the top window.
# rot13 TAB
# Rot-13s the current window (including header).
# rot18 none
# Same as rot13 but uses a variant of Rot-13 which also
# encrypts digits.
# set variable [value] none
# changes the value of the given setup variable to
# the given value. If no value is given, increments the
# variable and reset to 0 if it exceeds the possible max
# value (i.e. toggles if it's a boolean).
# Recognized variables are: (max value in parantheses)
# advmsg (1)
# singleclick (1)
# texmode (1)
# texteffect.mode (1)
# buttons (2)
# See o.inf for further information about these variables.
# set-msg-flags { options } F
# sets the flags of the message in the top window.
# If the top window is a message list menu, sets the flags of
# the message under the cursor.
# If no options are given, displays the "set msg flags" dialog
# and sets flags interactively.
# If options are given, does not display a dialog but sets
# flags according to the options.
# Options may be:
# - a plus sign followd by flag letters, will set these
# flags. Flag letters are r, k, p, or l.
# - a minus sign followed by flag letters, will clear
# these flags.
# - one or more of:
# X sets flags for crossposts too
# G does not set flags for current group
# S sets for all msgs of same subject
# W sets for all msgs of group
# The default is to set flags for the current msg in the current
# group and to leave crossposts unaffected.
# Example: set-msg-flags S +k -p
# will set the "killed"-flag and clear the "protected"-flag on
# all msgs with the same subject as the current msg.
# setup none
# displays the O setup dialog.
# sh [cmd] ^Z
# calls the shell to run `cmd'. Asks for a command
# if no `cmd' is given.
# Return: 1 if no shell installed, else return value
# of the shell.
# test.menu none
# Returns 0 if the top window is a menu window, or 1 if
# it is a browser window or no window is open. Use this to
# prevent commands from running with menu windows, e.g.:
# ! test.menu || sh
# This will run the shell when pressing !, but only if the
# current window (if there is one) is no menu window.
# test.view none
# Returns 0 if the top window is a browser window, or 1 if
# it is a menu window or no window is open. Use this to define
# commandos for browser windows only, e.g.:
# ^P test.view && print.window
# view-file [filename] ^O
# displayes the named file; asks for a file name if
# none is given. If `filename' is SCRAP (case significant),
# the current .txt file on the AES clipboard will be
# displayed.
# Return: 0 if ok, 1 if file cannot be read or no
# window left.
# write-msg F10
# writes a new message. Type of message (reply, followup,
# new mail, new posting) is decided according to the top
# window (msg, newsgroup, mail etc).
# Return: 0 a new msg was written, 1 no message was written.
# write-reply F9
# same as write-msg but always writes mail.
# Commands may be concatenated in the following way:
# cmd1 ; cmd2
# executes cmd1 and then cmd2.
# cmd1 || cmd2
# executes cmd1, then executes cmd2 if cmd1 returned non-0.
# cmd1 && cmd2
# executes cmd1, then executes cmd2 if cmd1 returned 0.
# Be sure to use spaces around ; || &&. This language is not yet really
# sh-compatible although I'd like it to be.
! sh
^A dark
^C cmd
^R set texteffect.mode ; redraw
F set-msg-flags
Tab rot13 && redraw
^I prg-info
^N open-grp
^O view-file
^P print-window
^T pgp
^U close-window
^W cycle-window
^Z sh
F1 open-grp ""
F2 maus-set-infofiles
F3 sh "omausexp -g"
F4 cancel-msg
F9 write-reply
F10 write-msg
UNDO close-window
ESC close-window